The True Financial Abundance Meaning and How Anyone Can Achieve It

Key representing financial abundance meaning

What does financial abundance mean to you?

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “financial abundance”?

The word abundance is associated frequently with New Age Law of Attraction and prosperity thinking. For some, it’s a lofty goal to achieve. For others, this attitude about money sounds too “woo woo” to take seriously. There are also those who believe that living in abundance is too much to ask.

In this post, I’d like to present a different angle for the meaning of financial abundance. Perhaps an explanation you haven’t considered before, and one that may be more appealing and realistic.

The true financial abundance meaning

Many people think of abundance as great financial wealth or exceedingly more than enough money. It can describe those who are rich and spend lavishly on their lifestyle. Maybe this is what it means to you.

However, I would propose that financial abundance is about much more than the balance of your bank account, or the size of your home, or how many cars are in your garage. I don’t believe that an abundant financial life depends on money or material things. 

Financial abundance starts with your thoughts, and how you perceive your own circumstances.

Here is the true meaning of financial abundance:

Financial abundance is a mindset that focuses on gratitude for the resources you have, faith in the provision to come, and the freedom to give generously.

Therefore, financial abundance isn’t based on your circumstances. It’s based on your beliefs around money.

This is good news, because it means you have control of how you experience financial abundance.

If you believe you must strive to achieve it, you may never experience it. But, if you know that financial abundance begins with your own thoughts, then you have the choice to live in financial abundance today.

So, how do you believe those thoughts that can get you from a scarcity mentality to an abundant mindset? Let’s go over that next.

How to create a money mindset of financial abundance

If you are constantly worried and stressed about your financial situation, then I have good news for you. 

The key to changing your perspective about your circumstances lies within you. You have the choice to change how you think about your income, your debt, your bills, and your future. 

I’m not saying that your circumstances will change just because you practice some positive thinking. And, I don’t believe in manifesting your way to wealth.

But, I do believe our thoughts can be a powerful tool that can change how you handle life – and how your life can change in response.

How you think about something will influence your emotions. Then, your emotions will prompt your actions.

For example, if you choose to think empowering thoughts, then you will feel more in control, and this emotion will result in productive behavior.

On the other hand, when you have defeating thoughts, then you will feel hopeless, and this will lead to actions that keep you trapped.

So, it’s critical that you develop and believe those thoughts that make a positive impact on your financial goals and inspire productive behaviors.

Here are 11 steps to take to create a mindset of financial abundance:

  1. Develop a habit of gratitude
  2. Be aware of how needs are different from wants
  3. Adjust your expectations
  4. Change your language
  5. Identify and replace limiting beliefs about money
  6. Stop comparing yourself to others
  7. Set some goals and have a vision for your life
  8. Be intentional with your thoughts and actions
  9. Create good financial habits
  10. Develop a growth mindset
  11. Be a generous giver

Let’s go over each one separately.

1. Practice gratitude daily

Living a life of financial abundance begins with an attitude of gratitude.

When you develop a practice of being grateful for what you already have, you’ll find it easier to focus on the present instead of stressing about the future. You’ll also remind yourself that things aren’t as bad as they might seem in your mind.

Most of us have to be intentional about practicing gratitude. But, once you create this powerful habit, you’ll start to experience a positive shift in perspective. 

Dedicate a notebook to writing down what you’re thankful for, and spend 5 minutes every day making a short list. After a few days you’ll need to get pretty creative, but this is a good thing. You’ll start to identify parts of your life that you never thought of being grateful for, and recognize small passing moments that were actually huge blessings.

If you’re not into journaling, you could find a mobile app to complete this daily practice.

You could always just spend a few minutes meditating on what you’re thankful for, but it’s best to write it down. That way, over time, you’ll have a way to reflect on all you’ve had to be thankful for in the past. Then, when you hit a bump in the road, you can read over your lists and keep the right perspective.

2. Know the difference between needs and wants

You can live a life of financial abundance when you know all your needs are being met. You have a home to live in, a job that brings in some money, transportation to get places, and food on the table.

These are needs, which must be differentiated from wants.

Sometimes we can get a little caught up in all the stuff we don’t have, and forget that we’re pretty blessed just to have our needs met. This can keep us from having a positive attitude about our finances.

The difference between needs and wants is where abundance can be expanded. Do you have a little extra left over to take your family out to eat? Or go to the movies? Or buy a new sweater? Or give to that family in need?

You can perceive your ability to buy more than you need as abundant living. Next time you pay for something you don’t need, take the time to truly enjoy the moment. Don’t take it for granted, and see it as your personal version of financial abundance.

3. Adjust expectations for your financial situation

Are you expecting to win the lottery? Inherit lots of money? Or are you expecting to stay buried under a pile of debt your entire life?

Either way, taking an inventory of your expectations can help you identify what needs to be adjusted in order to create a financial abundance mindset.

If you’re putting all your eggs into being rescued by a cash windfall, you could possibly wait your entire life waiting for financial abundance.

On the flip side, if you see no way out of your dire financial circumstances, you’ll never see the opportunities all around you.

Having a mindset of financial abundance is closely connected to your expectations of the future. These expectations should be based, in part, on a few defined and realistic goals.

For example, let’s say you have a goal of starting a monthly budget. Part of your budget should include savings and debt payoff. Defining this in your spending plan can give you the expectation that your savings will grow over time, and your debt will go down.

Or, maybe you have a goal to increase your income by 10% within the next 6 months. Within this goal, you’ll need to write down the actions you’ll take to accomplish this objective. This could include asking for a raise, getting a promotion, taking on a side hustle, or finding an employer that will pay you more. If you take these actions, you can expect to meet your goal of making more money.

Having productive and realistic expectations of your future, based on your goals and actions, will help you develop a mindset of positive expectation. You’ll fear the future less, and increase hope in what’s to come. 

4. Change your language

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45)

If you want to know what is in the abundance of your own heart, pay attention to the words you use.

Do you complain about your job? Or worry about your bills? Do you tell your kids that you “can’t” afford a vacation this summer? Or decline an invitation to lunch by your coworkers because “money is tight”?

Your words have power. They start in your thoughts, but then they confirm your thoughts. 

Many times we tell ourselves that we can’t afford to spend money on unnecessary stuff. But, the fact is, you probably can afford it – you’re just choosing to spend that money on something else. Like, your mortgage, groceries, gas for the car, etc.

Maybe you have a goal of getting out of debt, so you make more than the minimum payment every month. You are choosing to dedicate that money to reaching your goal. Yes, you could use it to buy new clothes or get a new cell phone. But, you don’t. You are making a choice.

Sometimes my son will connect the decision to not spend money with not having the money. But that’s not true. We have the money, we just choose to spend it on other things.

So, stop saying you don’t have the money if you actually do. See your financial decisions as choices instead of obligations. This will help you develop a mindset of financial abundance.

5. Identify (and change) those limiting beliefs in your mind

Have you ever analyzed your negative beliefs surrounding money? Sometimes we can mistake beliefs for facts, and not realize we can actually change them if we want to.

One of the best ways to identify limiting beliefs is asking yourself if they can be proven as a fact in a court of law. If they can’t, then they are just thoughts or opinions in your head, and you can choose to accept a different belief.

The first step is knowing what your limiting beliefs are. You can figure this out by answering a few simple questions.

Here are some examples to get you started:

  1. What did my parents teach me about money? (Which of these beliefs do I still uphold?)
  2. How do I feel about money? (Do I feel like I don’t deserve it? I’ll never make enough of it? I’m jealous of those who have it? Having too much is selfish? I’m terrible at managing it?)
  3. How do I handle my money? (Do I overspend? Make impulsive purchases? Am I frugal or stingy?)
  4. Am I capable of making enough money to accomplish my goals? (Or do I feel inadequate, there’s not enough to go around, I don’t deserve it?)
  5. How do I define money? (Unattainable? Something to worry about? A tool to help me reach my goals?)

Changing your limiting beliefs about money takes intentional and consistent effort. Take the time to really reflect on your perspective and relationship with money. Dig deep, and don’t rush the process. Keep writing down your thoughts until you stumble upon a major limiting belief in your subconscious mind that’s been getting in the way of living a life of financial abundance.

Once you have your list of limiting beliefs, start challenging those thoughts. Are they facts? Have other people accomplished what you think is impossible? Is this belief helping you or holding you back?

Recognize that some beliefs are just outdated or not useful, or maybe they worked for your parents but not for you. Let go of the idea that every long-held belief has to be eternally true. 

Then, replace any negative belief with one that encourages you. You can choose any thought that you want – just make sure you can truly believe it. 

Letting go of limiting beliefs will help you to see all of the financial abundance and opportunities around you. You’ll be more open to being content with what you have, but also hopeful for what’s to come.

6. Stop comparing your life to others

You’d think we would outgrow comparing ourselves to others after high school. Unfortunately, it’s the quest for material abundance that can keep us trying to keep up with the Joneses. Social media has only added to the struggle.

For some, this is such an accepted habit that they don’t even realize how much it’s affecting their peace and contentment in life.

If you find yourself frequently comparing your money situation to those around you, give yourself a break. You have permission to drop out of the rat race and blaze your own trail. After all, what do all those efforts to impress really get you? Is that return on investment worth it? (Short answer: no.)

Get your focus off other people, and put your blinders on. Figure out what fulfillment really means for you, and stop being concerned with what others might think.

Once you cut loose those feelings of jealousy, frustration, and inadequacy, you’ll be open to living a truly abundant life.

Trust me!

7. Write down some goals

In my opinion, there are too many people in the world who think that financial abundance is something to attract. I would much rather think of it as something you create.

Whether you want to build greater financial security for your family, or give most of your income away, you need to be intentional if you want to achieve your goals. Yes, the mindset is important – but then you have to take action.

Someone once said a wish is a dream without a plan. This means it’s okay to dream and think big thoughts about your future. But, then you need to create and implement an action plan to make it happen.

A plan gives you direction and a target. It gives you a roadmap to create the life you want. And it gives you the opportunity to think abundantly about your future.

Dream big dreams. Write them down. Then create a plan. Let your goals guide your daily thoughts and actions, and inspire a greater sense of enthusiasm for your future. This is a way to live the abundant life.

8. Be intentional with your thoughts and actions

Practicing an abundant mindset does not come naturally for most people. As humans, our tendency is to focus on what could go wrong instead of believing things will go right.

Creating a new mindset and developing better habits takes time and focused effort. This is why it’s so important to be aware of your thoughts and intentional with your actions.

Be careful with what you allow into your mind. Listen to audio books about money mindset or podcasts that inspire you. Find encouraging bible verses or quotes that you can memorize. Stop listening to people who are negative and critical. Know what truth is, and let go of the rest.

Have a plan for your day to make the most of your time. Write down a list of tasks that you can check off, so you can feel like you’re getting closer to achieving your goals.

Get intentional with what you spend your money on. Stop impulsive shopping and charging up credit cards. Take control of your financial future by knowing what your money values are.

Also be intentional with your physical and mental health. When you feel better, you do better. Eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep. Go talk to a therapist if it helps you. Have a community of like-minded people that you can confide in.

All of these habits, when done consistently over time, will help to foster a productive outlook on life. Instead of focusing on challenging circumstances, you’ll tune in to solutions and possibilities.

9. Create good financial habits

Financial abundance doesn’t rely on a large amounts of money, but it does depend on responsible financial habits.

This means practicing smart money management by taking control of your income. The best way to do this is to follow a budget.

There are many budget methods to choose from, but if you’ve never been on a spending plan then I recommend the zero sum budget. This type of cash flow budget accounts for every dollar from all sources of income so nothing slips through the cracks.

You can use paper and pencil, an online spreadsheet, or even a mobile app. Choose the one that you think you’ll stick with. A budget is a dynamic tool that is always evolving and adjusting, so use the system that will keep you engaged.

Another smart financial planning habit is always paying yourself first. This means before you pay bills or buy groceries or anything else, you take money from your paycheck and put it in savings. You can use this savings to build a cash emergency fund, go on vacation, or save for retirement. 

Here are a few other good financial habits that will help you create a mindset of financial abundance:

10. Transform a scarcity mindset to a growth mindset

Sometimes I tell my kids, you can convince yourself of anything you want. This “superpower” can be used for good or bad, and make the difference between abundance and scarcity, success and defeat.

When you believe in yourself – that you are capable of accomplishing your dreams and goals – then I believe nothing can stop you. This is called having a growth mindset.

When you believe that your success is inevitable, then you can be content with where you are today. You can have a life of true abundance now. You can see all of the circumstances in your life as contributing pieces to the puzzle of your purpose in life.

Most people struggle with a scarcity mindset, which keeps them stuck in believing their situation will never change. They don’t believe they have the power or the capacity to overcome their challenges.

When you can start trusting who you are and who you were made to be, you create abundance in your life.

How do you start believing in yourself? This can look different for all of us. As a Christian, I believe God has given me everything I need to fulfill my purpose. I can trust that I am exactly who I’m meant to be – nothing more and nothing less. And that the personality, abilities, intelligence, and gifts that God has given me will allow me to accomplish all that He’s put in my heart.

If you’re not a person of faith, I recommend filling your mind with inspiring ideas and stories. Read biographies of people who have accomplished great things, because this proves it can be done. Listen to podcasts that encourage and motivate you in achieving your goals. Journal about successes you’ve had in the past, and remind yourself of how far you’ve come.

Don’t stay stuck in fatalistic thinking. Make the effort to convince yourself that you are capable of accomplishing your dreams, you are smart enough to figure it out, and you have the persistence to not give up. 

11. Be a generous giver

Do you want to have a healthy relationship with money and be free from striving after more material wealth? Do you want to learn how to be content with the financial abundance you already possess?

Then start giving your money away.

Stop seeing money as a way to get more, and start seeing it as a tool to give more. This is truly the secret to living the financially abundant life.

That may sound counterintuitive, so let me explain.

Abundant living is associated with freedom. Many people view this as the freedom to buy and do whatever they want because they have enough money.

However, this thinking means all of the power to have freedom lies in the money itself. This is not true.

Freedom is the *absence* of any constraint that hinders choice or action. So, if you can open your hands and release money to others who need it more, then it has no control over you. 

This is part of operating from an abundance money mindset. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, it’s all about being grateful for what you have, having faith in what’s to come, and exercising the freedom to give to others.

If you want to live in true financial abundance, learn to be a giver. You may be surprised how much more you’ll be fulfilled in life.

Benefits of a financial abundance mindset

Your mindset towards money matters in several ways. There are many benefits to choosing an abundant mindset, all of which contribute to a more fulfilling life. 

Here is a short list of how choosing a mindset of abundance can benefit your life:

  • An abundant mindset fosters an attitude of gratefulness and contentment in any circumstance.
  • An abundant mindset overcomes feelings of fear, anxiety, and insecurity about the future with peace of mind.
  • An abundant mindset avoids feelings of jealousy and resentment over someone else’s good fortune.
  • An abundant mindset maintains a hopeful perspective.
  • An abundant mindset allows you to dream big and expect blessing.
  • An abundant mindset strengthens confidence in your ability to achieve your goals.
  • An abundant mindset increases levels of happiness and joy independent of external circumstances.
  • An abundant mindset reminds you that there is always enough to meet your needs.
  • An abundant mindset instills a strong sense of generosity towards others, and gives you the freedom to be a generous giver.

Verses and quotes to support new beliefs around money

If you want to develop more beneficial beliefs about money, it can help to seek out wisdom from trusted sources.

Here is a short list of quotes and verses that can help you improve your attitude towards money and change a scarcity mindset.

2 Corinthians 9:8: And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.

Abundance is not something we acquire. It’s something we tune into.”  – Wayne Dyer (author)

Luke 6:38: Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.

You never get beyond scarcity. You have to start beyond it.”  – Tony Robbins (motivational speaker)

Proverbs 3:9-10: Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine.

Do not focus on money, instead focus on a problem that needs to be solved for the world. Money will follow you as a bi-product.”  – Manoj Arora (personal finance author)

Hebrews 13:5: Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”

Wealth isn’t necessarily about money; it is more the wealth you have within your own soul and what comes out through your mouth and heart.”  – Catherine Pulsifer (poet and author)

Philippians 4:19: And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Real worth is something that’s already in us. If we know that, we are already wealthy beyond measure. If we don’t, no amount of money, fame, or success can give it to us.”  – CJ Kruse, (author)

Proverbs 10:22: The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.

Wealth is having enough. That means to some people, no matter how much they have, they can’t really be wealthy because they want more than they’ve got.” – Warren Buffett (investor)

Jeremiah 17:7-8: But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.


What is the difference between wealth, prosperity, and abundance?

Wealth is typically defined as the total value of all physical and financial assets owned by a person. It measures what has already been acquired. Prosperity indicates a present and ongoing condition of thriving and succeeding , especially in economic terms. Abundance can be defined as an overly sufficient supply of something, which can include money but also things like happiness, good health, and success.

What is the secret to financial prosperity?

The secret to thriving financially comes down to saving and investing over a long period of time. Whether you make a modest salary or a 6-figure income, these two financial habits are critical to achieving financial prosperity.

How can I take financial control of my life?

A critical step to taking financial control of your life is getting on a budget. Creating a spending plan that accounts for every dollar of income allows you to know exactly where your money is going. This helps you determine where to cut costs, create a plan to pay off debt, and achieve your saving goals.

How do you break a poverty mindset for financial abundance?

Breaking a poverty mindset requires changing limiting thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes towards money. Effective strategies to accomplish this include writing down some financial goals and educating yourself on various financial topics. You can also seek out friends or family members who have reached a level of financial success for sound advice and encouragement.

How do I open myself to abundance?

You can experience the abundance in your current circumstances by practicing gratitude for what you have and giving away what you can. These two habits will open up your mind to live in abundance no matter how much money you have.

What is the best prayer for financially abundant life?

Jesus said He came so that we could have an abundant life (John 10:10), and you can stand on that promise. If you are in financial need, you can trust Him to provide for you. It’s as simple as asking for His help, guidance, and wisdom. However, He also wants you to have faith that He will answer, and not doubt (Matthew 21:21). So pray with confidence and expectation!

What does the bible say about financial abundance?

The bible says a lot about money, abundance, and blessing. For example, God tells us that He is the one that gives us the ability to produce wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18) – which is just one way He can bless you. Also, you’ll find in Proverbs 10:22 that creating wealth comes easy for those under God’s favor (Proverbs 10:22). However, God is much more concerned about the condition of our hearts than the balance of our bank accounts. That’s why He promises to give back to us in abundance when we willingly give to others (Luke 6:38).

In conclusion

The meaning of financial abundance relies on your own perspective. You may be very wealthy, but still experience financial stress. This is *not* financial abundance. 

When you learn to be content and grateful in your current circumstances, you can begin to focus on the positive aspects of money and cultivate a productive money abundance mindset.

Then, once you have changed your attitude and behavior with money, you are prepared to accomplish your financial goals. Not only will you experience abundance emotionally, mentally, and relationally, but also professionally and financially.

It all begins with what you believe.

If you’ve struggled in the past with worry, doubt, or anxiety over your finances, I encourage you to take the steps in this post and begin to change your mindset about money.

You don’t have to wait until you reach a certain income level, or your debt is completely paid off, to have financial abundance. You can start to transform your life from lack to abundance today.

  • Seek out ways to give some of your income away, no matter how small
  • Look for opportunities to volunteer and serve others in need
  • Create goals and vision boards to keep your mind focused on your life dreams
  • Start the habit of expressing gratitude on a daily basis

You may be surprised how quickly you can start living your abundant dream life with just a few mindset shifts. 

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The True Financial Abundance Meaning and How Anyone Can Achieve It

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